Elite cloud storage solutions allow you and your colleagues to collaborate and share documents, wherever you happen to be.

Working from a central location guarantees that the work you create using Word, PowerPoint, or Excel is always up to date and backed up. Alternatively, storing work on the cloud allows you to access files from anywhere. To avoid sending multiple copies of these documents via email, you can even extend an invitation to individuals outside of your organization to share them. You can also do away with your external hard drives and physical servers, along with all of the associated expenses and maintenance fees, if you use cloud storage.

Cloud storage also allows you to eliminate your physical servers and external hard drives, and with it all the accompanying costs and maintenance fees.

Cloud Storage Advantages:

We have our own internal IT resources but we sometimes call on the help of outside consultants like Elite where specialist knowledge or a wider pool of experience is required. The team at Elite are professional, knowledgeable and have been a pleasure to work with.